About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. I have been able to find modern firearms 2.41 and 2.5 but I can't find modern sidearms anywhere. The developer doesn’t give much information as to how many guns are included with the mod, or how much customization they offer. Meaning that they can be found on NPC’s and enemies in the game world, whilst also be found in loot containers. Modern Firearms adds a load of new weapons into Fallout 4, which will be added to level lists. Fallout 4 Modern Firearms 3.0earms 3 0 This is not really the case for Skyrim where there are many different large weapon packs that can be installed all at once, instead of sifting through pages of mods. Can't find it on google, cant find it from any links on other mods that require it, just gone.

Have you ever played Fallout 4 with Modern Firearms and then tried playing without? The game is impossible to play without Modern Firearms. It was on the Nexus and then moved off the Nexus to an external webpage and is no to the point of being almost impossible to find. I am totally baffled by what happened to litetally the best mod that exists for Fallout 4: Modern Firearms.